Thursday, August 15, 2019

Update on the Sergeant's Exam Scandal

Since our last posting on this issue there has been a lot of back and forth between the Union and the Town, unfortunately with little actual progress. You may have seen the story in the Hartford Courant recently about what's been going on, we'll go into a little more detail here. Human Resources Director Santiago Malave has continued to refuse to release the score sheets and evaluator notes from the oral board interviews, which would answer all the questions anyone has about the process. He won't show them to the Union Officers, or to the individual employees who partook in the interviews, using excuses ranging from secret proprietary information, to protecting employees privacy (Even from themselves apparently.).

The Town made an offer shortly after we filed the grievance to re-do the oral boards on the condition that all 10 candidates consent to the do-over and sign waivers agreeing not to sue. This offer was rejected by several of the candidates for various reasons including a desire to find out what really happened.

On July 23rd we attended the step 2 hearing for our grievance with Director Malave, and on July 31st we received his decision which (shockingly) states he didn't violate the contract or personnel rules. Obviously we expected this outcome going into a hearing where the Director would be ruling on the propriety of his own actions, as nonsensical as that may be. During our hearing we made a proposal asking Malave to agree to withhold from certifying the eligibility list and making promotions until the grievance process concluded without the Union having to file an injunction. In exchange we would agree to go to expedited arbitration instead of utilizing the regular, lengthy process.

During expedited arbitration we would only use one arbitrator and receive a ruling from the bench on the same day, which would drastically cut down on the time it would take to resolve the issue one way or the other. We proposed this as a benefit to the Town since it's in their interest to get this dispute over with so they can get the promotions made and fill their vacancies, potentially saving them tens of thousands of dollars in overtime costs. For our part the Union also has no interest in holding things up any longer than necessary and we'd love to see our members get promoted as soon as possible through a fair and impartial process.

Several days later we received Director Malave's response to our proposal, he agreed to hold up the personnel appeals until after the grievance concluded, which would effectively stay the promotions as we requested. However, he surprised us by declining to utilize the expedited arbitration process in favor of the regular one which could take this from being resolved in a matter of a few months and drag it out for potentially up to nearly two years.

In the time it'll take to resolve this matter, several more Sergeant vacancies will open, resulting in squads and units going without regular full time first line supervisors which could be highly disruptive to their work. Additionally any vacancies created in minimum staffing Patrol positions will have to be filled with supervisors on overtime. While this is great for our members getting an opportunity to make some extra money, it could lead to people being ordered in on their days off and holidays, and stretch our overtime budget that the Administration claims is already maxed out, past it's limits becoming very costly to the Town.

This doesn't make any sense on the Town's part, we have made every effort to help expedite this process and get the problem resolved one way or the other for the good of the Town, the Agency, and the Union, and yet Director Malave keeps seemingly throwing roadblock after roadblock in the way of getting it done. When you look at this unexplainable behavior combined with the hiding of documents and the inconsistent scoring, it all seems to indicate that this promotional process was tampered with, and Director Malave either being involved with the tampering, or trying to cover it up after the fact.

While our Police Department has never experienced controversy like this around a promotional exam, it's not the first time for East Hartford or Director Malave. As you can see here and here our Fire Department recently spent nearly four years fighting a similar battle of a botched oral board exam that resulted in several appeals and retests. The common thread here is Director Malave and his Human Resources Department. How is it possible that one HR Department can mishandle two promotional oral board panels in such a short time? Administering these exams is a basic function of their Department, they should have laid out, consistent, and impartial protocols to carry them out seamlessly. At the very least they should've learned from the Fire Department debacle and done something to ensure it didn't happen again. If this simple job is so hard for them to complete properly and without controversy, then what else is being mishandled by HR that we don't know about? As a result, I have no faith in Director Malave's ability to properly carry out the basic functions of his job and lead his Department, and I feel it is long past time for Mayor Leclerc to replace him with someone more competent and capable of doing this important job.

For the Union's part, we have filed our grievance to step 3 at the Labor Board along with a motion to obtain the scoring documents we requested. For now we have to sit and wait for this process to play out.


Anonymous said...

Why is the chief of police, the admin, even the mayor not looking into this. Do they not want these vacant positions filled. Do they just not care. This has to be a HUGE morale crusher for the candidates and for the rest of the police department, knowing that The hard work they put into this test means nothing.

Anonymous said...

The union is only fighting this because the president buddy didn’t come out on top. So if you score 100 than you have to be punish and have it taken away by the union. Morale is crushed by the union not our administration!

Anonymous said...

The union seems to be trying to protect the department and the promotional process. One person cheats and its not fair to everyone else

Anonymous said...

Nobody cheated....maybe they worked harder than the others!

Anonymous said...

Scores say otherwise.

Anonymous said...

It's pretty obvious there was either cheating, a dirty hookup, or both. I bet as soon as things start to look bad for Malave he'll start spilling the beans to save himself.

Anonymous said...

Oh like the way you cheated by having your friends attack and disrespect the candidate that wanted to bring change to the union that everyone was sick of? And how those guys went around and threatened and intimidated peoples to vote for this bias group. Don’t let your arrogance fool you. It’s you and your boys that cheated there way to running the union.

Anonymous said...

If everyone wanted change, your candidate wouldn’t have lost. You set him up for failure because you were to scared to run for the office yourself knowing that you are the least trusted person in this department. If you ever make sgt people will follow you because they have to. But you will never have respect here of the people. You don’t care who you step on. This is not the east Hartford Courtney department. Make no mistake your a rat and a liar and everyone here knows it.

Anonymous said...

Why don’t you go to the LT again and have him write up “Anonymous.”

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Nobody cheated....maybe they worked harder than the others!
August 24, 2019 at 9:31 PM

Did the same person who got a UNHEARD of perfect score on the oral exam also beat everyone on the written exam? Or did a majority of people beat that person on the written exam essentially and statiscally requiring that person to need a perfect score on the oral to advance?

Anonymous said...

When is the next union meeting?? There has not been one in months now! I think someone should demand the UNION look into the lying to supervisors that seems to be ruining this place. Please demand the administration reopen and do a thorough investigations on those cases where officers lied to bosses to cover up them leaving town to hang out with their “friends” or smash up cruisers and lie to the bosses when questioned. The administration should not be burying their heads in the sand and allow this to continue any longer.

Anonymous said...

The agency that I came from, being out of town while covering a patrol district for hours on the numerous occasions for personal reasons without permission from a supervisor would be treated as a larceny of service and investigated as a criminal matter. I was shocked to hear nothing was looked into any further and it was swept under the rug. I guess it pays to play basketball on Thursday nights.

Anonymous said...

Try and deflect all you can. Many feel that this group is sexist and racist and hates transfers from other departments. Alot of us think you are worst than the last group that ran the union into the ground. The next election can’t come soon enough.

Anonymous said...

You and your girlfriend don't qualify as "many" or "a lot of us." It's literally just you two, please don't act like your speaking for any of us.

Anonymous said...

Sexism and racism complaints are the last ditch effort of a small mind grasping at straws. We have women and minorities in every position in this department. Command staff, union leadership, swat, supervisor ranks, traffic, for, outside agency special assignments. Please tell me how we’re sexist and racist. You blame everybody else because your in the right. So what is it? Is the department sexist and racist and you are the only one that sees it? Or and bear with me...could you be the problem? Ask yourself how many of your peers respect you. Walk down the hall and ask everyone what they think of you and your behavior?

Anonymous said...

Agreed. As a transfer myself I see the majority of the “transfers” getting along really well here and are flourishing in the department. Seems like the ones that crap all over everyone for personal gain,the ones that think they are entitled and better than others and hide in the rear yard to duck calls, those that suck up all the overtime while they have huge pensions from other departments AND the ONE that has others nominate a truly unqualified and unprepared candidate on PURPOSE so he can stir the pot from behind the scenes are the “transfers” that seem to be having the problems here.

Anonymous said...

I hate transfers. That’s why I voted three of them into the union e board.

Anonymous said...

Rat and liar, huh? A rat is the guy who took a private conversation at a retirement party at a bar and went upstairs into the chiefs office and made a complaint about it. I don’t see the union or his buddys talking about that at all.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, isn't that exactly what she's been doing since she got here? Filling complaints over private conversations people had with her? Hello Pot, meet my friend kettle.

Anonymous said...

The good news is one of the chosen ones leaves for her new job next week. Talk about making the chief look like a complete moron. That’s what he gets for hiring someone in the first place who didn’t want to do police work, created a special job just for her, looked silly by parading her around the state as his “legal adviser” while letting her crap all over the people who put their lives on the line everyday. Good riddance and hopefully the chief learned a valuable lesson. I am sure he and the guy on eves will be the only ones that truly miss her 😉

Kozi said...

I am not completely sure but I believe HR Director Malave pulled the same sort of thing with HPD when he was HR Director in Hartford. Put together a really bad exam that many people failed...I'm a little fuzzy on the details but for some reason think it was him. Maybe someone with a better memory over there from Hartford can recall?