Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Union Meeting Tomorrow

Just a reminder that our monthly meeting is tomorrow at 0830 at the usual spot. We have a lot to cover so if you're interested and/or have questions feel free to attend.


Anonymous said...

Chief Davis, there is a bottle of mouthwash in the men’s room downstairs. Please feel free to help yourself to it to get the bad taste out of your mouth from Franks email.

Doppelganger Joe McGeough

Anonymous said...

I heard Sansom was berating Chris Davis and threw a stack of papers at him and he just stood there took it like a bitch. Then Sansom made him get on the floor and pick them all up. Can anyone confirm?

Anonymous said...

He had to push Litwin and Olson out of the way first

Anonymous said...

Creepy and awkward....last time he sat in on days line up he didn’t say a word and when asked if he wanted to say anything afterwards he refused. The least he could do is stand up and sing “Mr Cellophane” from that movie Chicago since he fits the part, nobody would mind him then.

Anonymous said...

I am confused as to which Chief Davis you are referring to; the one who has been here a year or the one who has been here five years. Manchester Davis is creepy, yes, but how is he the fall guy or responsible for this strumpet being off the rails. DC “Creepy” let her work in accreditation because he most likely got the thumbs-up from DC “car salesman” and DC “want to be everyone's friend.”

If we are blaming DC “Creepy” then the other two are as much to blame. DC “Car Salesman” ignored her going off on numerous bosses in patrol, and did not advocate for hard workers like 327 or 326 to get positions within VINS. DC “Everyone's Friend” was JR’s boss when he would go on three hour car rides with his “mentee” and was present when she neutered the Sgt in the VIN office. Everyone wants to blame Beau because he cannot defend himself.

The only one to blame for her is Scottso. Scottso says he delegates to his DCs and they make the decisions. Wrong. They are all battered woman and should make an appointment with the domestic violence advocate in DCF’s office. Scottso is a micromanaging, political pandering, control freak.

Scottso, we are cops too, so enough. The “I had nothing to do with the rigged test” line holds as much weight as the “I didn't know the state police where here to question my guys” line. You have been to more mayoral balls than you have been to CIB. You can’t show your face at line ups anymore because patrol calls you out on your bullshit. Scottso, you’re never here and it shows. You love claiming we’re a great agency and “99 percent there.” I have a percentage for you. You’ve received a 7% raise yourself over the last 18 months, and received 0% confidence from the men and women of this agency.

Frank, enough. Do a vote of no confidence.

Kenny Brosa

Anonymous said...

Well said

Anonymous said...

I don’t care what you fuckers say. I am proud to say that I have 100% faith in the leadership of this department and if anyone has a problem with that see me tomorrow morning in my office to discuss the matter and bring your badge with you!

Doppelganger Joe McGeough

Anonymous said...

I never liked you Kenny.....


Anonymous said...

Rob Davis sucks just as bad as the rest of the gang. The only difference is that he comes across as a nice guy but is just as much of the problem. This whole administration lets people lie and doesn’t do a fucking thing about it in Internal Affairs. Why? Because Sansom lies to everyone and so does Hawkins. How can there ever be any professionalism or integrity when they allow people to lie to supervisors and they lie themselves to their lieutenants during meetings??? This place is doomed as long as Scottso and his clowns continue to lie and turn a blind eye to officers that get written up for lying and they don’t do a thing about it.

Anonymous said...

Commo doesn’t have these problems since I took over! That’s why I need to be interim chief to straighten this organization out once and for all!

Doppelganger Joe McGeough

Anonymous said...

Since everyone reads this, here is the big underlying issue. 333 has effected numerous people at this agency negatively-professionally and personally for her own personal gain. There is always negative chatter about any administration in our field but this blog has really blown up because so many feel the admin is very weak. Admin is afraid to punish 333 when it is clear there have been violations. Has anyone pulled the stats for 333 in the past year or 2 or besides the 6 months of work she had in the beginning? What has she been doing? How are her 40 hours a week justified? How is that ok? Shes lied numerous times, had emotional out bursts, and failed to work with (get along with) co workers on patrol, co workers in VINs, and be subordinate to supervisors. This is not meant to be malicious or hostile but it really is factual according to a majority of reasonable thinking peers.

Anonymous said...

Great job on the 254 admin! See? That wasn’t so hard right? Can we get the same for 333 and maybe turn a new page? New year new you?

Anonymous said...

Liars beware. It's an easy place to work. You fall on the sword when you screw up and you survive. You lie... and you can ask people if they want to pay 10 cents for a plastic bag at the grocery store checkout.

Anonymous said...

Chris Davis has no intention of bringing in Pronie to question him because he knows his answers will exonerate Don and prove the admin's special someone is a liar. We can't have that, but they'll hang 254 out to dry for nothing. This has become a comedy just watching how corrupt this Admin is going to get. If you're a Lieutenant you can lie while testifying under oath and nothing happens, if you're the Chief's old Hartford buddy you can leave Town to fuck your sidepiece 12 times and lie about it even though you're caught on GPS and nothing happens, if you have a special relationship with the former IA Lt you can make obviously false accusations against your coworkers and nothing happens. Do we even have standards anymore or is it just a fucking free for all? Can't wait to get my pension and get off this sinking ship.

Anonymous said...

Tommy brought it on himself and everyone knows it. You can’t keep being defiant and need to pick and choose your battles. He has been a problem for over 20 years and his friends have tried to talk him into knocking off his shit but he wouldn’t listen to them. People tried to save him but he kept up his bullshit. It’s a sad situation because he is a father and should have kept his son in mind before he did this shit. I hope now that the bar has been set, everyone is held to the same standard as Tommy.

Anonymous said...

The above poster knows what hes talking about. Tommy sucks and did this to himself if they fire him itll be the one thing the admin did right. unfortunately they don't have the integrity to punish their friends the way they did with him.

Anonymous said...

Spragg sucks too. This will be the second guy he will have a part in getting fired and it’s wonder his squads hated him for being two faced. No doubt will be blaming the administration like a true coward like he always does. The bastard bad mouthed me after I let him get married at my house too.


Anonymous said...

Damn right he sucks. He has been a headache for twenty years being an asshole. I’m not a fan of 277 either, but Mike is not a boss out to get you…he has great Thirsty Thursdays and gives tight fades. 254 has made it his goal in life to fuck with every boss he has worked for. I gave him money 15 years ago when Bi-polar Jim did him dirty. Shame on me because he came back as an empowered douche. Hopefully Roma Restaurant gives him a job for all the private security he has been giving them for years. The positive in all this is that the 14 years olds riding their bikes on Bidwell Ave will no longer be arrested for Interfering. Is Spragg the gender-fluid non-binary Sgt. who works evenings?

Johnny Banjo

Anonymous said...

Are you sure it’s the same guy. The one who comes into Tanner’s house and demands to play naked beer pong with Tanner and his bros…..

Josef McGosef

Anonymous said...

254 has been out of control and deserves whatever he gets.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I’m writing you all up because you’ve all have been walking around naked beneath your uniforms. Unacceptable in Joes world.

Giuseppe McAroni
“Italian Joe McGeough”

Anonymous said...

244 is miserable and takes it out on everyone else. We’re so happy he’s climbing the ranks-all of commo and ehpd. At least 269, though a terrible boss, who has zero knowledge of police work is kept in check by LTs, At least 269 is personable in the operations hallway when hes not making his regularly poor decisions. Cant he just go back to being as lazy as he was on patrol? He didn’t go after half the bad guys as he has officers since being promoted. Its not like they’re driving in south windsor with no probable cause.

Anonymous said...

I can’t wait to see Tommy working at the recycling center on Tolland Street emptying the shopping cart of Eugene Olson or asking me if I want tire shine when I drive through the car wash. Fuck it chief, while your at it fire those backstabbing Deputy Chief Creepo and Deputy Chief Spineless and with their qualifications they can vacuum the rugs with Tommy at Mrs Sparkle. Promote Joe McGeough immediately to Deputy Chief and that new kid who put he will be chief on his application and you will finally get the credibility your administration deserves.

Broseph McGeeeouch

Anonymous said...

That will fit right in with you promoting a guy to lieutenant that has mistreated and degraded multiple women in your agency and keeping a guy on the swat team that left his loaded rifle in the middle of Main Street in Glastonbury for kids to find as well as a supervisor in training that lies and gangs up on people with his buddy that hide in the basement who is a cheater and liar! These indecencies you continue to allow are ruining things for the younger generation, please please put an end to it!

Anonymous said...

stop trying to twist things to fit your narrative, the new Lt degrades everyone equally, not just women. Its not his fault hes just better than all of us at police work!

East Hartford Police Officer's Association said...

We run it pretty loose here and don't really moderate because I just don't have the time for it. This forum is open to the public, you guys can joke around, comment on the topics, converse, and criticize employees for things they do on the job. We're all public officials and what we do at work on the Government dime is public record and subject to criticism, positive or negative, and we should all be willing to accept that criticism. But we're not going to allow people to come on here and throw jabs at member's families, so please refrain from doing so. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Mr Moderator you have allowed this blog to slander and humiliate YOUR paying union members since the beginning and yourself have openly joked about it at union meetings and in the building to members in the hallway. Have the guts to admit it and if your not going to allow all of your buddies dirty laundry to be put out for the world to see than WHY have you allowed unsubstantiated rumors about YOUR other paying other union members and the administration to be posted and mocked??? You should be thrown out of office for allowing this and you will be sued by multiple attorneys shortly I can promise you. Every post has been collected both before and after your selective deletion and you can explain to the town and private attorneys that are lining up to sue the entire Union Executive Board. You can allow Hawkins, Sansom, JR and Nestor to be accused of being unfaithful without ANY proof other than the rumors by your sick and twisted buddies but when actual TRUTH about OIC and k9 are posted you delete it?? It doesn’t matter because a lot of people will be deposed and the dirty laundry you try to hide will be public for every newspaper and television station reporter to read. I can’t wait for the Chief and the administration and everyone else on this BLOG of yours that has been ridiculed to get a ton of money, you and the executive board to be thrown out and fired and all have license plates with YOUR name on them parked on the pavers. See you in court soon!!!!

Anonymous said...

Screenshot this one, you've been threatening to sue everyone since the day you got hired here every time you didn't get your way and have made up false complaints against everyone you don't like or who stood up to you. Your record is so bad after being accused by multiple supervisors and coworkers of lying that you got zero credibility at this point. If you actually had something to sue people over you would've done it by now. Instead you just keep making threats because you know that if you ever went to an actual courtroom youd be caught lying and embarrassed. You really think you're gonna sue people because they criticized you for things you've actually done at work and been investigated for? Just wait until all the people you've falsely accused start suing you.

Anonymous said...

The palm trees 🌴 in Florida are so, so beautiful, don’t you think OIC?