Friday, March 13, 2020

March Meeting [CANCELED]

Our March regular meeting will be held on Monday the 30th at 1630 in the usual spot. We will discuss updates to the Sergeant's test process as well as the latest with contract negotiations. Our second set of proposals should be exchanged by then so we will have new information. We have a PAB meeting afterwards at 1730 so we will be keeping the meeting brief and to the point. Hope to see you all there.

UPDATE: The Executive Board has decided to cancel this month's meetings. All of our contract meetings have also been canceled as well as PAB and pretty much everything else we're working on so there wouldn't be much to share anyway. We'll use this blog and lineups to keep people in the loop for the time being.


Anonymous said...

So is it just business as usual for us? Are we doing any pre planning or should everyone just be happy we have Lysol in the cars.

East Hartford Police Officer's Association said...

We haven't heard anything official more than what everyone got in the email that went out.