Wednesday, December 18, 2019

CALEA is all done, so why are still paying $110,135 annually for it, while critical services go unfunded?

Last month the Administration wrapped up the project that's been their main focus since they got here in 2014 of obtaining CALEA accreditation. There was an earlier post back in July where we went over the high cost of getting accredited and how it's generally useless to the employees and the people of the Town so we wont rehash that here.

What I'd like to discuss is now that we have the accreditation, what's it going to cost us year to year to maintain it, and how it's disrupting the core Police functions of the Department. The finances of the Department aren't really the business of the Union, we don't have any say in what they spend money on. However when we have important training being cut and denied to our members, and our SWAT team struggling to obtain basic equipment they need to do their jobs safely because the Administration claims it doesn't have the funding, it becomes our business.

Shortly after this Administration took Office in 2014 they created a full time position for an Officer to work on Accreditation. Now that we've completed it that Officer has not been pulled from that assignment and continues to work on... I don't know what, while collecting a base salary of $74,209 plus benefits. This wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that we currently have a staffing shortage Department wide. In fact when I asked why we haven't made any more Detectives off our current active list I was told it was because the Chief was concerned about Patrol staffing and didn't want to promote anyone unnecessarily because then they would become ineligible to work Patrol. So they've effectively sacrificed an investigative position that does actual Police work directly benefiting the citizens in order to maintain an accreditation position that no longer serves any real purpose. This seems counterintuitive considering the stated mission of CALEA is to provide Chiefs with "a blueprint that promotes the efficient use of resources and improves service delivery." Doesn't this seem like the push for CALEA has in fact made us use resources less efficiently and been detrimental to our delivery of core Police services?

Furthermore, a part time consultant was also hired to assist with Accreditation at a rate of $31,861 a year. This consultant also still works here despite the job he was brought in to consult on being completed. I did consulting work myself prior to becoming an Officer, and at every job I had as soon as the work I was hired to do was done, I was let go and moved on to the next one. So why is this guy being kept on staff, is he now a permanent employee? What's he doing now?

After the Accreditation was completed, our Department sent a delegation consisting of seven people to the CALEA Conference in Kentucky for a week. That included the entire command staff and the Mayor. That's flights, hotel rooms, and probably rental cars for seven people coming out of our budget that's apparently so strapped we cant afford basic equipment needed to do our jobs. And why was a part time employee taken on a field trip to Kentucky while our Officers are regularly being denied off site training classes they actually need to do their jobs supposedly due to funding shortages? Seems like the Chief has his priorities backwards.

So where could this money be better spent rather than on Accreditation? Let's dive into some of the ongoing issues the supposed lack of funding has created. First off look at our firearms unit. We're down to training once a year with our duty weapons, and when we do get to shoot we're limited in how much we can actually shoot due to a lack of ammunition because we cant afford it. We don't use our firearms frequently, but when we do, proficiency is critical to ensure the safety of our Officers and those we serve. Any firearms expert will tell you shooting is skill that is heavily reliant on repetition and muscle memory, once a year just isn't enough to build that up.

We also have non lethal beanbag shotguns sitting in our armory that our Firearms Unit has been trying to get out to Officers on the road for over a year. But the Admin refuses to authorize the training for these tools so we have another non lethal option available on hot calls. I can only assume this refusal is cost related because there doesn't seem to be any other logical explanation. Holding up the rollout of these shotguns could have the effect of forcing us to use lethal force when we maybe wouldn't have to if there was another option available.

Additionally we've heard from several members of the SWAT team that all of their ballistic vests and helmets are well past their expiration dates and Deputy Chief Hawkins has refused to authorize the purchase of replacement equipment. Yes this equipment is expensive, but once purchased it's good for ten years. Some of our SWAT Officers are wearing hand me down uniforms that are several sizes too big for them, and some of them weren't given any uniform at all and are instead forced to wear their US military issued uniforms or personally owned clothes to calls. How are we so broke that we cant even afford to buy a couple pairs of pants and shirts, but Accreditation has a blank check book?

You may also remember a while back when our 30+ year old SWAT armored vehicle caught on fire while driving on Route 2 and was totaled. That vehicle was never replaced, instead our SWAT team rides around in what is basically a moving van with no armor plating whatsoever. We had an opportunity to obtain a free used armored car from Brinks, all we had to do was go to a conference near Washington DC, fill out the paperwork and drive it home. Somehow DC Hawkins managed to make it all the way down there on the Town's dime, spend a few days hob knobbing at the conference, and never filled out the paperwork to get the truck, coming home empty handed. His explanation to the SWAT team was that he couldn't find the Brinks booth at the convention center. Now ignoring the fact that he simply could have asked someone for directions at any point during the several days he spent there, I've heard from others who were at that conference that the Brinks booth was literally the first thing you saw when you walked in the door. It was so prominent in fact that several people mistook it for the general information booth. I don't know if this is incompetence or intentional, but either way it's foolish to waste an opportunity to get free equipment that we desperately need.

Interestingly enough, when the CALEA on site evaluators came to EHPD to do their inspection, that very day a brand new armored SWAT vehicle appeared in our parking lot for them to inspect. However as soon as they left, the brand new SWAT truck disappeared, never to be seen again. I hear it was on loan from another Department. Does the Administration think our SWAT team is a joke? Do they have no respect or concern for the safety of any of the Officers who train hard to be on it? I cant think of any explanation other than complete incompetence for their actions here. We have highly skilled Officers who've quit the team because it's been so neglected over the years. This leaves both our Officers on street, and the citizens of the Town in a more dangerous position.

Our fleet is in shambles, training is at bare minimum levels, our guns don't shoot straight, and we don't have enough computers for a whole squad to use at the same time, and God forbid you need a pen or a notepad, they wont buy us those anymore either! We don't even allow employees below the rank of Sergeant have access to color printers because the toner is too expensive. And sadly that's just the tip of the dysfunction iceberg.

We all understand this isn't Glastonbury, money isn't falling off trees in East Hartford. But how can you impose such strict austerity upon your employees while spending lavishly on your pet projects right under our noses and expect us to see it as anything other than disrespectful?

Accreditation has been the greatest fraud perpetrated on this Department and this Town in my tenure here. Chief Sansom told the Journal Inquirer "Achieving Accreditation helps safeguard the integrity of this Department and ensures consistent delivery of high quality public safety services. It's a mark of excellence." In our experience as line Officers it's done just the opposite while burdening us with unnecessary policies and requirements that do nothing to better our performance. We implore Chief Sansom, do the right thing, invest in your Department and your employees before you burn this organization down to a smoking heap. But hey, I guess it'll at least be an Accredited smoking heap, right?


Anonymous said...

I worked for Hawkins in Hartford we all know hes a dumb motherfucker but hes not that dumb. hes playing you about not finding the booth.

Anonymous said...

The hob knobbing needs to stop.

-Roy Klein

Anonymous said...

Maybe so but I will take Hawkins any day over that Chris Davis. Hanlon was a micro managing douche and we enjoyed our “Todd Free Days” in cib when he wasn’t there but I totally believe him about Davis and all the bullshit that he pulls in IA. He lies to cover his ass and let’s complaints about lying go with no investigation or even logging them in unless he asks them to “change the date” to cover his incompetence and protect the person he’s afraid of losing his house over. He’s a creep that should be working at Ocean State Job Lot but they don’t give out take home cars to cashiers so we are stuck with him. Thanks Chief for another great addition to your command staff! Do the right thing and fire him and get someone in that division that will run it the way it needs to be run.

Anonymous said...

He wouldnt last at Ocean State someone would complain to the manager about him oogling customers in yoga pants and licking his lips. I bet he'd make it at the DMV though.

Anonymous said...

Definitely could see him as a bellhop at the Grantmoor on the Berlin Tpke

Anonymous said...

I was thinking more of a manger of a sleazy trailer park on the Berlin Turnpike.....


Anonymous said...

He sucks so bad he even makes me look competent!

Pat Twohig

Anonymous said...

Speaking of money...does anyone know if Courtney burns accrued leave when she is teaching for Elliot Spector? Or is she double dipping which is in fact a crime?

Anonymous said...

Typical union sexist thugs that rite blogs picking on females and got nothing better to spend time and monies on. The truth is here so get ready to deal with it. Funny how the people who do the most work get bashed by those who don’t do shit around hear than stir the pot. It’s not working so just realize it and grow up and fuck this blog it sucks.

Francesco Iacono said...

To the above poster, just to clarify this is a free website so we haven't spent any Union funds operating it. Additionally I invite you to point out where we've ever picked on any female in any of our posts. This post in particular is highly critical of the Administration, which last I checked consisted of four men. Also the only thing that sucks more than this blog is your grammar and spelling. Have a good day.

Anonymous said...

Someone upset the pic from Briccio’s is out and about?

Anonymous said...

Iacono is "HOBHOBBING" the same thing as "HOG KNAPPING" something you've been doing since you got hired 12 years ago. The next time you get a vanity plate it should read "I LIKE TO SUCK DICK".
SWAT members lets all thank IACONO for dismantling the SWAT team, since he's so concern about your safety and your expired equipment. GREAT JOB IACONO FOR PUTTING ALL THE LIABILTY ON CHIEF HAWKINS.

Anonymous said...

This blog is getting totally out of control! Aren’t we supposed to be better than this? All these personal attacks and rumors that are put on here just show everyone both inside and outside this department why people hate cops. We are ripping each other and the department to shreds for all the world to see for what???? A chuckle or way to stab someone in the back? Enough of this crap we are all adults and supposed to be professionals that are willing to sacrifice our lives for the people we serve but are attacking the careers, marriages and professional reputations of other cops? Frank and Nick, a lot of us voted for you but this has gone way too far and you need to get rid of this blog. If you have something to say bring it up at the meetings. This is not the correct way to try and lead and unify a union and this blog has been a disaster since day one. The media and others from other departments and states do not need to see this and even chip in to the chaos that has been created by this blog. Anyone that has ever posted on this you should know better because in today’s day and age it is NOT hard to get the IP addresses for every post and don’t think for a second that if a lawsuit comes forward or the feds decide to investigate this department or union that this blog would be safe nor would anyone would remain “anonymous.” Union leaders you won the election by a large margin because we believed you could not only do the job but unify the members here and work with the administration and town. You have done great things with the pension and representing members to this point. Do not let your legacy be one one promoting hate and division through this union sponsored blog. People do crazy things and you do not want to be held responsible if it turns bad which it eventually will. We don’t have to like each other but let’s not destroy each other for the amusement of others. Maybe a motion at the next meeting to get rid of this blog?

Francesco Iacono said...

Thanks for your input, I appreciate it. We started this site because the turnout at meetings is usually very low. Even a meeting with high turnout usually has less than 15% of the membership. Only 3 non board members showed up to our last meeting. With our work hours and people's busy schedules I understand it's difficult to get to a meeting, so we use this site to keep the entire membership in the loop on their own time.

We also allow this anonymous comment section to give a voice to our members and the public who would be afraid to speak up otherwise due to concerns of retaliation. Is it always going to be pretty or kind? No, but I think it's important to have an open discourse and allow people to speak their minds as long as they're not making threats, even when they're critical of me or our board.

Furthermore I chose this site because it's been used for other similar Police run blogs and has a good history of anonymous being anonymous. In order to obtain IP addresses you'd have to go through Google who owns this website and historically doesn't give out user info without a Federal Court order.

Your idea about the IP Addresses is a common misconception, it doesn't give any information other than the ISP that the connection went through. You'd have to then serve a warrant or subpoena on the ISP to discover subscriber information which would be useless if it comes back to an open network, VPN, or public Wi-Fi. ISPs in the US generally only store this information for 3-6 months before it's deleted. Additionally I haven't seen anything on here that's even remotely a Federal crime so I'm not sure why you're worried about the FBI investigating it.

For further research you should look up the case Griffith v Wall (2017) which addresses many of your concerns.

In regards to your concern about us making internal issues public, frankly that's kind of the point. We've been keeping the dysfunction at EHPD secret for years, and it hasn't made anything better, in fact it's gotten worse. My hope in starting this blog and putting everything out there for people to see is that it just might encourage our Department and Town Administrators to clean things up. I've got members coming to me almost every day complaining that things here have gotten out of hand and something needs to be done. Putting it out there to the public is the best I can think to do about it. Do you really think if we go back to keeping secrets that anything will ever get better?

I've worked hard to ensure everything we've posted here is factual, and if it's just something we've heard but haven't confirmed, we say that too. If we've posted anything here that's false or inaccurate please let me know and I will correct it.

Lastly, I didn't take this job to get re-elected, I took it to try and make positive change for everyone. If the membership is unhappy with how I've run things then they are free to not vote for me in the next election, but so far I've received overwhelmingly positive feedback. I stand by the work we've done. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

It's cute how the blog/Union is being blamed for divisiveness. Divisiveness comes from individual conduct. The blog is just the place to talk about it. Don't live a life that fuels the blog and it wouldn't exist. Nancy Pelosi called...she wants her table turning tactics back.

Anonymous said...

Frank let me get this straight? The purpose of this site is to keep the entire membership in the loop. Allow anonymous comments in order to give a voice to our members and the public who would normally be afraid to speak up due to the fear of retaliation.
So the sole purpose of this blog is to release the EHPD secrets to the public. YOU ARE DEFINITELY SMOKING CRACK.
Let me see..... You write ONE thing about the union meeting and then the rest of the comments are degrading and humiliating several union members including HR and the administration. Its hypocrisy at its fullest!!!
When Charles "WEGLARZ" Manson use to be the union president, the blog didn't exist and people were kept in the loop. You are using this as an excuse.
THE TRUTH..... The reason your keeping this blog is because you and your GOON SQUAD are the anonymous users. By the way, good job on dismantling the SWAT team. Continue sleeping on midnights.

To the divisiveness comment. Lets blame the "MANSON FAMILY" for the divisiveness in this department. The divisiveness definetly doesn't come from the individual conduct. You bullies decide on who you want to like and dislike.

Anonymous said...

I am a proud member of the GOON SQUAD!

Anonymous said...

WTF is HOG KNAPPING? I really hope that commenter doesn't work at EHPD because they sound retarded.

Anonymous said...

Dont live a life where your secrets will get you in trouble. Dont do anything wrong and you wont have anything to hide.

Nice comeback on the divisiveness comment. Good thing you made a separate paragraph for that one.

You make this too easy

Anonymous said...

Frank, if everyone thought you and your GOON SQUAD caused the divisiveness in the pd than you wouldn’t have received over 85 votes to the other 14 for the other guy.
There is a reason why some people are in their early to mid thirties and have nobody in their lives......they blame others but will never see that their “individual conduct” is the reason why they have meaningless relationships after meaningless relationships and most times are the last minute booty call on a Saturday night when all else failed. No doubt these people will end up old and alone with a pet parakeet to keep them company. They will have to spend the holidays together as “friends” while the people that they think really care about them will be with their real families. So sad��

Keep exposing the truth and putting it out for everyone to see. You and Nick aren’t going anywhere so don’t sweat the PEANUT GALLERY.

Anonymous said...

Have fun eating your buffalo wings in bed by yourself 😂maybe Santa can deliver you a boyfriend this year that isn’t married with kids 🎅

Anonymous said...


EHPD Union President Gepetto Weglarz creates a wooden puppet toy name " PINIACONO". Gepetto Weglarz wishes on a star that one day "PINIACONO" would be a real boy and the next union president. So 85 kindly blue fairys voted him in and granted his wish, while the other 14 blue fairys, that didn't vote for him, watched. PINIACANO came alive and became the union president.

PINIACONO learns that he must prove himself worthy in order to make his creator wish come true.

PINIACONO comes across challenges of temptation such as mailing a cardboard shape dick to Sgt. Allison, belittering other union members,riding his scooter with the chief's name on the plate,created this blog and hides behind anonymous.

His final challenge comes when he figures out his creator goes missing by getting swallowed by the massive whale name "PALADINO" and must go find him and save him.

Anonymous said...

Same blogger as the last who claimed Frank got the swat team disbanded??? Didn’t they just get new equipment and are adding members to the team? Another false “anonymous” post from our favorite poster.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous:

Since you just accused President Iacono of sending the cardboard penis to Sergeant Allison, there was an Internal Affairs Investigation into the matter and the case was “Unfounded.” It appears that you might have proof or knowledge that he 100% did it and am sure IA would like to interview you immediately along with Sergeant Allison and his attorney. The act itself violated several department and town policies in regards to hostile work environment and harassment of the an African American Sergeant in East Hartford Police Department. You have now inserted yourself into the investigation that needs to be reopened so I hope you are ready to come forward so the person responsible will be held accountable!

Anonymous said...

Ia is run by bullys anyways so it don’t matter nothing will be done unless they want to pick on women to feel big and bad. They protect the union and their boys.

Anonymous said...

So one big “bully” nominates two more “bullies” and gets 85 other “bullies” or those who apparently condone “bullying” to vote them in? Your on crack dude and btw those “bullies” locked in your fucking pension for the rest of your shitty career. Either thank them or call them out to their face but enough of your “anonymous” shit as it shows everyone who the real bully is.

Anonymous said...

Love how they just fucked themselves and got in the middle of the Ian scandal. Now IA has a reason to get their user info. Nice job jerk off!😀

Anonymous said...

I hear the soon to be retired guy got a retirement job as a crazy translator at the asylum. No wonder his party posters keep ending up in the shitter... I guess he still hasnt learned from the last time crazy got him punched in the face in front of everyone.

Anonymous said...

I feel like crying, where’s the nearest stairwell?😢

Francesco Iacono said...

Just to clarify again, we don't have any user data, and we wouldn't give it out to anyone if we did.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Pinocchio? Someones been digging deep into the Disney+ catalogue. Do the Mandalorian next, maybe triple tres can be baby yoda and 220 is her protector keeping her safe from the evil admin.

Anonymous said...

Once upon a time in a kingdom (or PD) far, far away......

There was Lil’ Lord Courtney Farquaad who was banished from the kingdom of Avon and sought refuge in the swamps of East Hartford. She was so angry and vengeful for being cast away by the villagers of Avon that she vowed to rule the swamps of East Hartford by any means possible......

Lil’ Lord Farquaad’s first goal was to befriend the first married man that she met who was a narcissistic peasant named Voluptuous Chrissy Vasseur while hanging out at Hartford Hospital. This didn’t last long as she turned on him rather quickly and cost him his career and he was banished to opening his own bathhouse to support his family.

Lil’ Lord Farquaad found a Magic Mirror (JR) who had great power and ran the Internal Affairs Division. The Magic Mirror was able to use his powers and “mentor” Lord Farquaad during their long car rides together and even helped squash any complaints or people that upset her. Unfortunately the Magic Mirror saw the handwriting on the way and “retired” before he lost his family or had to seek employment at the bathhouse with Vasseur.

Lonely and all alone, Lil’ Lord Farquaad stumbled upon a lonely Donkey that had no friends. Donkey promised to help Lil’ Lord Farquaad in her quest for power if Farquaad promised to be her one and only true friend. Donkey gave Farquaad training classes and a position in Calea and in the blink of an eye Farquaad was the “All Hazards Ruler” of the swamp and helped Donkey make rules of policies in Calea that all peasants had to follow or be publicly punished.

Still not satisfied, Lil’ Lord Farquaad teamed up with a swamp dwelling ogre named Shrek Caraballo. Shrek told her that his personal life and career was ruined by a group of bullies known as EHPOA and their former balding leader Geppetto, their new leader and Gepetto’s bastard son Piacono, the pleasingly plump white whale Palladino and lastly their 85 blue bullying fairies. (Yes plural of fairy IS fairies.) Lil’ Lord Farquaad believed him and they quickly joined forces and plotted over a romantic, candlelight dinner at Briccio’s. To show his never ending loyalty to her, Shrek let Farquaad use his cellphone to call in a complaint on former “fwb” Otis while they were having a romantic lunch together in South Windsor. However both dummies forgot to block the number before it came up on the caller id at Ye Olde Town Hall.

Lil’ Lord Farquaad and her band of haters will stop at nothing and love to cause chaos and destruction whenever they can. Our only hope is Fairy God Mother Sansom grants their wish and gives them their own husbands and families to go to Disney with since their married boyfriends could tell a big enough lie to their real wives to go with them.

The End

Anonymous said...

I honestly thought demaine looked more like farquad. Just sayin...
