Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Dumpster Fire Formerly Known as Internal Affairs

We've done a lot of writing on this blog about the mess the Sergeant's test has become, but unfortunately that's not the only mess EHPD has to offer these days. One of the complaints we hear most these days is about the conduct of Internal Affairs. I know for people outside the Department you're probably thinking it's typical for Cops to complain about IA, after all they're the ones who investigate us for alleged wrongdoing. But that's not what's got our members upset, instead it's about what IA isn't doing. Unfortunately over the last few years under our current Administration, our IA Division has been used to protect certain individuals by burying investigations, or just not doing them at all.

We've seen, and continue to see internal complaints against certain employees for various policy violations not being investigated fully, witnesses not being interviewed, and eventually completely tossed off to the side as "unfounded." Now this isn't because the guys in IA are incompetent or don't know how to investigate, because they do. In fact they demonstrate that when they get a complaint against an employee who isn't one of the "chosen ones" who merits special treatment. In those cases the investigation gets done and if it finds something, discipline gets handed out, just like the system is supposed to work. And if they really don't like the guy, they'll even go do things like pull security camera footage and dispatch recordings, interview witness after witness, pull phone and fax records, omit exculpatory evidence, and anything else they can think of to build a case even if it just results in a written reprimand.

That's the issue, it's not the punishment being handed out, but the extreme and obvious disparity in how investigations are handled for certain individuals compared to the rest of us. Perhaps it's who you know, where you came from, who you go to "Thirsty Thursday" with, or play basketball with on the weekends that decides whether you'll get a free pass or the full monte. Whatever the reason is, I think we can all agree it's wrong, and it needs to stop.

I'm not putting the blame on the Sergeant and Lieutenant assigned to IA, I think they're both respectable guys who want to do their jobs the right way. But they don't get to call the shots, they don't get to decide who gets investigated and who doesn't, and they don't get to decide the discipline handed out. Those decisions get made by the Chief and his Deputies, so they're responsible for the current state of IA. This isn't just "taking care of the good ol' boys," we're getting to the point where it's looking like flat out corruption, and it's not something anyone wearing a badge should stand for.

Our Union can't force the Administration to conduct their IA's properly, that's their responsibility. However the one thing we can do is make sure that everyone gets the same treatment, regardless of who they know upstairs. So every time IA has made an investigation disappear or whitewashed it for one of their chosen ones, we've been quietly making note of it. And now those cases have become the new standard. However they were handled for their buddies, that's how they're going to have to be handled for everyone else. And we'll take those cases to the Labor Board and let the Chief explain to them why two people are being treated differently.

We don't want excessive discipline, and we don't want micromanagement, but we do need to have some basic standards for conduct. That million dollar Accreditation certificate is worth about as much as the used up urinal cakes in the patrol bathroom if we're going to allow allies of the Administration to flout the rules at will with no repercussions.


Anonymous said...

Fuck the 2 guys in there too if they had a shred of integrity they'd speak up about the bullshit. But they're too scared they might lose their easy inside gigs and end up back in patrol.

Anonymous said...

Great department you have down there. A corrupt internal affairs division, cop with a racist confederate flag tattoo, a cop leaving town to hang out over his girlfriends condo on duty for hours at a time, a chief that creates a position for his girlfriend, another chief that abuses his company car privileges, unlimited overtime going to accredited services while they work in sweatpants on weekends with nobody around and morale is at an all time low......sound about right? Very interesting reading fellas no wonder this blog is picking up steam and getting new readers everyday.

Anonymous said...

The only reason the guy with the tattoo got hired here is that he's old buddies with the Chief who hooked him up with a retirement gig.

Anonymous said...

Thank god one of them is finally retired next week. Funny how he’s been a rat for years writing guys up for bullshit but allows the double standards up there now. Good riddance and don’t let the door hit him in the ass. He will probably have 4 people show up to his party while 75 will show up to the celebration party that he’s gone at Margaritas. I heard they hired a Pj cop to assist with traffic at Margaritas since they are expecting record crowds.

Anonymous said...

I won’t be attending either but if I was I’d go to Margaritas.


Anonymous said...

“The only reason the guy with the tattoo got hired here is that he's old buddies with the Chief who hooked him up with a retirement gig.”

So are you saying that your chief and command staff knowingly hired someone with a tattoo on their body that symbolizes hatred and the mistreatment of minorities??? Very disturbing but have no worries the proper people have been advised of this and people will be held accountable.

Anonymous said...

He should be fired immediately and your chief should resign for condoning it.

Anonymous said...

Have your internal affairs division audited by an outside agency and make your mayor aware of the issue. Go to the newspapers and news outlets with the facts and evidence and they will help you shine the light and put an end to this corruption. You guys put your lives on the line and should not be treated like this by your department. You have the support of the citizens that you serve and brother officers from outside your department. Be strong and fight for the justice you deserve, expose the incompetence and corruption.

Anonymous said...

So one female officer destroys an entire police department
She sleeps with numerous co workers including high ranking officers
She gets rewarded with plush assignments and produces no results
She gets the phantom “perfect score “ on a promotional exam
She sues the department for sexual harassment
She breaks down crying and has temper tantrums numerous times
She lies to supervisors
And now she’s immune to internal affairs investigations???
Wtf. Wtf. Wtf.

Anonymous said...

Here is the big sercret: One of the command staff has been sleeping with Courtney’s best friend she’ll out him if they get involved. I don’t think he wants to lose half his pension, salary, and run at the top dog spot. So they ignore it. At least no one else can get an IA now either. Iunfair labor practice to investigate some 38s and not others. Good job command 2. Way to look out for us.