Monday, April 13, 2020

Security Theater

A few weeks ago Chief Sansom put together a "COVID-19 task force" that meets several times a week to come up with ways to help safeguard our employees. At first a few productive and helpful things came out of these meetings such as getting disinfectant wipes in the cruisers, closing the lobby to the public, answering minor calls over the phone and limiting unnecessary contact between squads as we wrote here in an earlier post. However like most of these types of efforts go, after the initial batch of helpful ideas came out the pressure was still on them to come up with new ideas. So they started delving deeper to justify their existence with new, less helpful ideas.

When we first met with this task force the first thing we noticed was that of the six people on it, three Deputy Chiefs and three Lieutenants, not a single one of them is directly involved with the Patrol Division. Patrol are of course the only ones actually on the front lines out dealing with potentially sick people in the public. So it just seems like common sense to bring someone into these meetings who's actually involved day to day and has some perspective on what those employees are going through and need. But instead Chief Sansom picked six people who all work upstairs far removed from the street, this seems like an odd choice to us.

Here are some of the measures the Union presented that were shot down; as we previously wrote about on here we proposed that employees who had a potential exposure or fell ill be given Administrative leave and/or covered under Worker's Compensation instead of being forced to use their own accrued time off, which the Chief refused. Fortunately for us President Trump and Congress stepped up with legislation to help give us some extra time off specifically for Coronavirus related issues as of April 1st. While we're really glad the Federal Government is helping us out, it's still disappointing to know that our own Chief and Mayor refused to do anything to help us without being forced to by the Feds. Of course even with the Feds forcing their hand the Town still had to take a swipe at our Union by telling people that if you did use any of that Federally guaranteed time off they would count it against your earned days. They just can't help themselves when they see an opportunity to screw over their employees.

Another idea we brought to the Chief was to allow anyone in a public facing position who falls into a defined high risk group due to medical condition or age, to have the option of voluntarily going on Administrative Duty temporarily so they can work in house and potentially reduce their risk of exposure. As far as we know this was never put into effect, probably because it would incur overtime costs, though probably not much as I don't think we have too many people who fall into these risk groups.

One of the task force's ideas that got put into motion last week is the checking of temperatures at the beginning of your shift and sending people home if they have a fever. This is ineffective for a few reasons, the most obvious one being that the thermometer they bought for doing this task is wildly inaccurate. Most of our employees are being checked in with temperatures in the high 80's and low 90's, some as low as 83 degrees. Of course if that was anyone's actual body temperature they'd be dead of hypothermia long before the virus got them. Knowing how the Town of East Hartford works I wouldn't be surprised if they just walked across the street to Dollar Tree and picked this piece of junk out of the clearance bin with the 3 for $5 DVDs so we can save money to buy more laptops for non-essential employees to work from home.

It's also been well documented and well known at this point in the pandemic that a person can carry and spread the virus without having a fever and many people are in fact completely asymptomatic. And even when you do show symptoms you may not have a fever until you're several days in, so a fever is hardly the defining symptom. Checking temperatures makes sense at a store or other public facility where you have unknown people walking in and out, but in a workplace with the same small group of people every day it really accomplishes nothing other than annoying your employees and creating an atmosphere of distrust. This is especially true when you're doing it with a broken thermometer that gives laughably inaccurate readings. Most people can feel when they have a fever and our members are trustworthy enough that they wouldn't come to work knowingly sick and put their co-workers and their families at risk.

The task force has also gone so far as to put up occupancy limit signs in certain rooms in the building like the report writing room, gym, and Watch Commander's office and putting obscure tape markings on the floor. We understand what the intent is with this but the reality is we're all sharing cars, touching the same door handles, railings, car books, keyboards, keys, paperwork, phones. And then once we're out on the street we're going to calls together in cramped apartments and stairwells, sometimes we even roll around on the ground with suspects together. Close contact and cross contamination between employees is inevitable in our line of work. Trying to put these restrictions in place inside the building just creates an awkward work environment and puts more stress on people during an already stressful time.

Of course none of this is about being effective or actually accomplishing anything. It's security theater meant to make it look like something is being done, similar to what the TSA does at airports. In the case of the TSA they at least accomplish the goal of creating an intimidating process that acts as a deterrent. But viruses don't get intimidated or deterred, you either have it or you don't. We think the better approach is to trust your employees and work with them instead of treating them like suspects or idiots. We hope the task force will consider next time they come up with an idea, how effective will it actually be and realize that sometimes you've done all you can for the time being and can take your foot off the accelerator. Don't just do things because you feel like you need to do something or because someone else is doing it.

Overall we think all of our members are doing a great job handling this situation so far with common sense and caution while still doing effective Police work. Hopefully we'll all be through this soon and back to our regular routines.


Anonymous said...

Is anybody REALLY surprised??? Two of the lieutenants on the task force rode the desk officer spot more than actually covering a district and doing police work. Look in Next Crap and check the arrest numbers and case load and you will see they hid inside trembling with fear until they had enough time in to get promoted. No wonder they were nicknamed Sergeant D.O. and Sergeant Morelli 2.0.

What better way to get expertise on a deadly pandemic and how to limit exposure to your employees than putting a guy on who has been certified in cabin air filters and wiper blade refills and totally ignoring everyone patrol who are really dealing with this everyday and those with real medical experience and know how to handle the situation with common sense. Congrats guys, you really hit it out of the park, again!

Just because your resume has all the boxes checked off that you “ran this and ran that” for a hot 6 months so you can brag about how great you are doesn’t cut it and it never will when the shit hits the fan. You can look good on paper to the outside folks, squirt tears and tell everyone you care, tell war stories that even others in the administration roll their eyes at and talk smack about behind his back on a DAILY basis and he continues to surround himself with all the YES men that pledge their allegiance to get what they want. It doesn’t change the fact that every single time that they have had the chance to LEAD they’ve FAILED . Don’t think that respect comes with rank, it’s earned and very few of our fearless leaders have earned it and the ones that have are thrown away and banished to lowly patrol and labeled as malcontents for speaking the truth. The ones put on pedestals and brought into the administration fold are the absolute worst when it comes to bashing Sansom and telling all the dirty secrets of what really happens behind closed doors with his tirades and threats. That ENTIRE hallway of phonies and two faced back stabbers are ALL guilty and not loyal at all. Maybe a task force should be created to identify the incompetence and two faced ass kissers since Sansom still has no clue who they are.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like sour grapes because you didn’t have the desire, smarts or were willing to make the sacrifice to be a boss. Have fun taking the disputes, car accidents, larcenies and wires down calls and please make sure you get the reports in on time pal. Tomorrow we, the administration , are having a catered lunch with 5 pound lobsters and caviar with rack of lamb. Don’t worry we will have a cold cheese pizza delivered to the break room for you so don’t eat breakfast so you have plenty of room to eat up. Mic drop.....

Anonymous said...

Did you just mic drop your own post?? Hahaha, moron. You don’t mic drop your own post. It’s either an obvious mic drop post and everyone knows it or it’s just a dud. Your post wasn’t the former but was clearly the latter. Enjoy your lobster, dipshit.

Anonymous said...

It takes exceptional people to lead others and with that you get to reap the rewards of belonging to that special group. Not everyone can be a leader so remember that when your eating your cold cheese pizza buddy boy.

Anonymous said...

Being a leader doesn’t just mean you have a white shirt. Most of our “leaders” are also the same people who most of us don’t respect, yet alone follow. Leaders, true leaders, are respected. I trust and respect more pizza eaters in this department that it’s lobster eating “leaders”.

Anonymous said...

Some of the leaders better pray this blog remains “anonymous” or they will be seen for who they really are.