Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Update to the Last Post

Just wanted to update that it's been a week since our last post on here and EHPD is still diligently checking employee's temperatures with a known faulty thermometer. I just personally finished my work week and never checked in above an indicated 93 degrees, and one day even came in as low as 89 degrees. So unfortunately the Administration's game of pretending they're looking out for us continues.


Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks Sansom is out to help anyone but himself at this point is delusional.

Anonymous said...

That’s a total lie and you need to stop your rhetoric because nobody believes that. Since he came here he has worked extremely hard to get this department moving in the right direction. There were no standards and we were the laughing stock of law enforcement across the river. Now we have structure and people are actually taking pride in their work again and like it or not you can attribute that to his leadership. The community interaction with the department is at an all time high, the mayor supports the cops and like it or not the administration is constantly finding ways to make our lives and jobs better all the time. Why are there so many cops from other departments that are waiting to come here if he was so self serving?? Maybe you should stop hating and look at what he and his administration has done rather than constantly bashing him for no reason.

Anonymous said...

Oh hi Josh!

Anonymous said...

Let's get back to the fact no one respects the process of getting their temp checked with a faulty thermometer. It's a simple fix that would show the agency really cared about identifying illness amongst us and doing things correctly. It's the simple things like this that deteriorate morale.

Anonymous said...

A so called faulty thermometer ruins the morale of the agency and shows that the administration doesn’t care? Keep trying to make up crap reasons to try and smear them, it’s not working. Nobody believes the stuff you and the other malcontents post here and 99% of it is lies anyways. Next thing you will complain about is the new cruisers that you guys got to pick out,huh? Unbelievable!

East Hartford Police Officer's Association said...

I'm not sure if the above poster is being serious or not, but everyone who has had their temperature checked has come in well below the average temperature for a living human being (98.6), that's a well known fact around the Department. How you can say a thermometer that measures temps 5-10 degrees below actual is not faulty is a level of stupid beyond my comprehension.

I'm also not sure what you're talking about with the cruisers that we "picked out." The Administration put out a poll to the membership asking which type of cruiser we preferred and the Dodge Charger came out as the favorite in the poll, and now they're buying Ford Explorers instead... So clearly these are the exact opposite of the cruisers we "picked out." To be fair they did order a small batch of Dodges but they messed up and ordered them in the wrong color so they sent them back and replaced the order with more Explorers. Fortunately for us the new Explorers are much improved over the last generation which were one of the worst Police cars ever made.

If you're going to come on here and lie bout other people lying, please do a better job.

Anonymous said...

So you think we should, as a Union, allow the department to demand we get our Temps taken as we enter the building, only for it to be a false reading? And its a been known for weeks the thermometer doesn't work, and nothing gets done about it? Ironic, that you feel a chronic, repeated problem is not a problem. And do you even drive a cruiser anymore? What do you care about the quality of life patrolman are all about yourself in every way. By the way...does a faulty thermometer fall under an "All Hazard"?

Anonymous said...

Did you apply elsewhere yet? My friend is still asking

East Hartford Police Officer's Association said...

Just to further update, another week and the defective thermometer still hasn't been replaced, but they're still using it. Perhaps our Admin should change their slogan to "Never Stop Failing."

Anonymous said...

Maybe YOU should apply in Florida?

Anonymous said...

This place just got better in one week. It’s about time too! Something tells us it’s just starting to heat up around the place so pick your side wisely fellas!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Lt. Roid Rage is on a roll. But you know what they say about people who live in glass houses.

Anonymous said...

He’s the best cop in the history of EHPD, just ask him......lmao

brown nose josh said...

Just EHPD? Try the WORLD! Look at his awards, he has them all... except for marksmanship of course... 0fer!

Anonymous said...

Well well well....would the Avengers of c squad like some cheese

Anonymous said...

The guy that RAG DOLLED him all over the hose club floor should get an 🥇Please do it again especially now that he’s bragging that HE got 2 cops fired. You are a real inspiration to us all Lt 0fer2......NOT! TOTAL JOKE!

Anonymous said...

so being a rat is ok when it benefits you guys? psshh pussy

Anonymous said...

Neves, Olson, Browning or even Camp should be in IA. At least they don’t have an agenda of their own and their employees like working for them. Agreed that bragging about being the one that got other cops fired is the worst thing to do and is sickening. Chief we deserve better than that.

Anonymous said...

Is someone mad 254 269 or 233 finally getting snuffed out for their career long bs? The rat effect doesn’t count for criminals. No one hates a dirty cop more than the rest of us good ones. ✌🏼

Anonymous said...

Bravo and well said Anonymous on May 8th at 12:07am! All that Union $$$ to support these lengthy and costly cases. What a waste.

Anonymous said...

Damn I wonder if the candidates and new hires know what their getting themselves into, this actually use to be a department that was attractive over all in the state of ct. Hopefully they all get to check out the dirty laundry from this blog and call departments that they turned down before it’s too late.. besides the fact that it’s hard enough to get qualified people, this department rather have the world know all the skeletons. Seems like this place is full of a bunch of miserable people who forgot going to work should just be about helping the community they serve and paying their bills... not tearing other cops down getting lost in the mix, realize people in their own time will get their own karma and that isn’t left up to you to do. Leave that for the civilians that already do that to law enforcement on a daily basis. Some of you really need to grow up.

Anonymous said...

Yeah this was a great place to work before Sansom and his lying pretend to have your back while they stab you in it cronies came in and made it all about themselves. We thought Sirois sucked but he looks like a gem compared to the HPD crew in charge now. tHe MaYoR lOvEs Us GuYs EnJoY yOuR 1% rAiSe!

Anonymous said...

This blog needs to go immediately

Anonymous said...

Who are they going to call back? You really believe people are turning down huge salaries in Glastonbury and Manchester to come to EHPD these days? all we get are Hartford flunkies and guys who got turned down everywhere else. we havent had a decent raise in decades, it's been a long time since EHPD was a place people would turn down other offers to come to. it's a shame to see how far down it's gone. All the chief cares about are bodies willing to work for bottom dollar.

Anonymous said...

It has been 1,000 years since a few of you have applied to other pds so remember the game is constantly changing. Whether you hate leadership or not, having a negative outlook on everything isn’t going to change anything by crying about it anonymously on every post. If you hate your job, QUIT, if you want your pension do your time, make it work for you, when it’s time to leave eat your retirement cake and go enjoy life. A lot of you are salty and old and it shows. Be grateful you have a job, look at other departments nationwide that have more problems than not getting a raise. Or if you were jobless like a lot of people in the country right now. There’s always going to be something someone doesn’t like, at the end of the day, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. If you were in someone else’s shoes you may think you would know what you would do, but until your in that position, you don’t know what you would do. It’s easy to judge from the outside. Maybe some of you would be happier with extreme micromanagement (which u will eventually get like every other pd in ct) and a 80k salary, no pension, no health insurance, and a five min break between calls. People aren’t wrong for calling things out that they see, it’s understood from all sides, but there are ways to do it or just learn to let the cards fall where they may. Even during a pandemic apocalypse the world still can’t find any silver anyone on here taking lessons from 45s twitter trolling?

Anonymous said...

National Police Week starts soon, enough of this crap.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Pelosi has joined the blog ☝️

Anonymous said...

People who dont want the blog must either be higher ups who already have their voices heard or people prone to shady shit in fear of being exposed.

Anonymous said...

Are Sansom and the Mayor going to march with with "Black lives matter"? Well that's a great way to show support for your officers. This group has called for the killing of law enforcement officers for quite some time....